vardprogram/borderlinetumorer/. Accessed August 31, 2020. Google Scholar. 6.


borderline tumor definition. A 33-year-old male asked: what is the definition or description of: borderline ovarian tumor? Dr. Sewa Legha answered.

Alrek helseklynge, blokk D, Årstadveien 17. Postadresse. Postboks 7804. 5020 Bergen. Borderlinetumorer.

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2000 Sep 30;120(23):2764-70. 88. Ovarietumorer · Funktionelle cyster · Benigne epiteliale tumorer · Borderlinetumorer · Maligne epiteliale tumorer · Non-epiteliale tumorer · Metastatiske tumorer. 14.

Patienter med Borderlinetumorer, stadium IA-IC med radikal operation kan afsluttes. Patienter, der har fået foretaget fertilitetsbevarende kirurgi tilbydes et 

Low malignant potential/borderline ovarian tumors are defined by the pathology of the primary tumor in the ovary, and microinvasion there, or invasion in implants does not change that diagnosis. The only exception is when the lymph nodes are positive for malignancy, the case is reportable. This tumor starts in a woman’s ovaries.


Long-term trends in the incidence, prognosis, and mortality of patients with ovarian cancer and borderline tumours in Norway were examined based on data from the population-based Cancer Registry of Norway. The incidence of ovarian cancer rose continuously from the mid-1950s to the mid-1980s. There was also an increasing trend in the incidence of borderline tumours from the early 1970s to the


I will of course follow the providers selection, but am just trying to grasp a better understanding of this “ovarian serous borderline tumor” concept. Ovarian low malignant potential tumors aren’t always cancer. Find out whether these tumors need treatment and what’s involved. Borderline ovarian tumors are a type of epithelial ovarian tumors that exhibit some characteristics of malignancy, but appear to still be early enough in their development to be treated successfully. With tumors of this kind, the usual course of treatment is to surgically remove the growth and conduct a biopsy. borderline tumor definition.


Borderlinetumörer har synnerligen god prognos. I en publicerad svensk studie sågs en 5-årsöverlevnad på 97 % för kvinnor diagnostiserade med borderlinetumör i Sverige 2000–2007. Ingen skillnad i överlevnad sågs mellan kvinnor med serös eller mucinös histologi (Kalapotharakos et al., 2016). Borderlinetumörer.
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: Only within the last decade we have begun to fully appreciate the natural history and biologic behaviour of borderline tumours in the ovaries. In contradiction to invasive epithelial tumours, most borderline tumours are confined to the ovary(ies) (stage I). Because the prognosis of stage I serous borderline tumours is excellent, with five-year survival rates of almost 100%, some experts are Serös borderlinetumör (ICD-O 8442/1, mikropapillär typ 8460/2) Definition: Histologiskt lätta–måttliga kärnatypier. Mitoser. Epitelproliferationer, oftast papillär med ”tufting” (tofsighet) och avknoppande epitelförband. Dessa förändringar ska ses i mer än 10 % av tumörepitelet för borderlinediagnos.

Medicine. 20 June 1998. Long-term trends in the incidence, prognosis,  22 Sep 2020 vardprogram/borderlinetumorer/. (Accessed August 31, 2020).
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Incidence and Mortality Tumors of low malignant potential (i.e., borderline tumors) account for 15% of all epithelial ovarian cancers. Nearly 75% of these tumors are stage I at the time of diagnosis. These tumors must be recognized because their prognosis and treatment is clearly different from the frankly malignant invasive carcinomas.

Målgruppe for brug af retningslinjen Denne retningslinje skal primært understøtte det kliniske arbejde og udviklingen af den kliniske kvalitet, hvorfor Den hyppigste formen for tilbakefall ved borderlinetumorer vil være i gjenværende eggstokk. Det kan da foretas kirurgisk behandling med fjerning av eggstokken (reseksjon eller ekstirpasjon). Ved andre former for tilbakefall i bukhinnen foretas reseksjon hvor dette er mulig. Cytostatika har generelt liten effekt ved borderlinetumorer og adjuvant cytostatikabehandling tilbys ikke.

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Patienter med Borderlinetumorer, stadium IA-IC med radikal operation kan afsluttes. Patienter, der har fået foretaget fertilitetsbevarende kirurgi tilbydes et individuelt opfølgningsforløb. Målgruppe for brug af retningslinjen Denne retningslinje skal primært understøtte det kliniske arbejde og udviklingen af den kliniske kvalitet, hvorfor

Nearly 75% of these tumors are stage I at the time of diagnosis. These tumors must be recognized because their prognosis and treatment is clearly different from the frankly malignant invasive carcinomas. Borderline epithelial tumors are also known as atypical proliferating tumors and used to be called low malignant potential tumors. These tumors look the same as invasive epithelial ovarian cancers when seen on an ultrasound or CT scan. Definition / general Ovarian serous borderline tumor (SBT) is a low grade epithelial neoplasm of generally younger women with a favorable prognosis when diagnosed at an early stage Defined, nonobligate precursor to low grade serous carcinoma (LGSC) As a borderline tumor, can give rise to extra-ovarian abdominoperitoneal or lymph node implants A borderline tumor will often show up as a complex ovarian mass on U/S. Attempts to use color-flow Doppler and MRI to distinguish a benign ovarian mass from a borderline ovarian tumor or a borderline tumor from an outright malignant one, however, have not been reliable. Mucinous borderline tumor with microinvasion is defined as small foci of stromal invasion measuring less than 5 mm in greatest linear extent, with no requirement regarding the number of such foci allowed in a given tumor. Brenner tumor of the ovary is a solid, abnormal growth (tumor) on the ovary.